The Classical Girl Turns Three!

Back in February 2013, I made a decision. If I was going to give this blogging thing a try, I needed to stick with it. I knew the facts: most blogs fail within six months, simply because it’s damned hard work to keep coming up with new, interesting, insightful things to say. It reminds me of that beer-in-a-shotglass game … Read more


Welcome to The Classical Girl, voted one of Feedspot’s Top Ballet Blogs. If you were drawn to this site it’s possibly for one of the following reasons: you’re interested in ballet; you like classical music, or you play the violin. Or maybe you just want to read something lively and intelligent, with twin  dollops of humor and … Read more

La Sylphide: the most important classical ballet you’ve probably never seen

   All right, a show of hands: who’s seen the 1832 ballet, La Sylphide?  {{Looks around}} Yup. I’m not surprised. And for the record, I didn’t raise my hand either. But its importance came to mind last week, as I was researching for a Top 10 Classical Ballets list and found myself indecisive about the … Read more