10 odd facts about pointe shoes

Interested in reading my ballet fiction? To celebrate World Ballet Day 2023, enjoy A Dancer’s Guide to Africa for FREE by clicking HERE. Enjoy the first book of the Ballet Theatre Chronicles, Off Balance, for only 99 cents HERE. And check out your favorite ballet company’s YouTube channel to find archived live-streamed class, rehearsals and interviews from the big day!   … Read more

10 Reasons those pointe shoes hurt

The long-held dream has finally actualized, and you now own your first pair of pointe shoes. At last! The thrill of calling those expensive, pink/peach, satiny, torpedo-shaped shoes your own. The pride. The satisfaction. The—yikes!—pain. Yup. The pain. Why? you might be crying, even after weeks into the ordeal. Even after having done all the … Read more

10 things you didn’t know about tutus

Interested in my dance-related fiction? Check out the Ballet Theatre Chronicles ( Off Balance , Outside the Limelight, Ballet Orphans), as well as  A Dancer’s Guide to Africa. Just click on their titles! You see professional ballet dancers wearing them onstage. And this, you already know: they are beautiful, glittery, ethereal, like moving pieces of art. … Read more

My 200th post, and a giveaway!

Well, there you have it, my 200th post. The irony being, of course, I can’t think of anything profound to say. Guess I used up all my ceremonious profundity for my post earlier this year that celebrated 5 years of blogging. That, and my mind is in fiction-creation mode with — shhh, don’t jinx it — a … Read more

The Classical Girl turns five

The Classical Girl, as you longtime readers might know, was a concept I’d created on the eve of 2013. A New Year’s resolution of sorts. My ballet novels were long completed, out being shopped, and I missed researching and living inside the dance world terribly. I knew, as a writer, that it was good to enforce … Read more