BALLET ORPHANS has launched!

  My new novel, BALLET ORPHANS, was released on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021, and the launch party was a blast! The following is a post from late December. BALLET ORPHANS will launch on Saturday, January 2nd, I want YOU, dear reader, to join me at a rollicking 80’s-themed launch party. You know how you get … Read more

Cover reveal: Book 3 of the Ballet Theatre Chronicles

At long last, I’m so happy to reveal the cover for Book 3 of the Ballet Theatre Chronicles! Ballet Orphans is a prequel to the series, same location (San Francisco), same company (West Coast Ballet Theatre), only it’s set twenty years before the other two books. I just loved creating this fascinating backstory. And I … Read more

10 Happy Classical Tunes for a Pandemic

It’s a tall order these days to command oneself to be happy and productive. I myself have started and stopped this blog over a dozen times in the past few weeks. Something in me is frozen, distraught, in shock over the same thing everyone else is feeling discomfort and/or trauma over, and even though that … Read more

10 ballet novels [for adults] you’ll love

For a long time, “ballet fiction” meant the books that catered to young girls, slim tomes with pink, appealing covers. Noel Streatfeild’s more substantial and highly popular Ballet Shoes comprised my ballet fiction-reading youth. I adored the book. I compensated for its lack of competition by reading it over and over, annually, through my youth … Read more