Thank you, Dance Advantage!

I’m a meditator as well as a ballet dancer, as you might have surmised, if you got the chance to read my “Silent Retreat” entry a few months back. ( Following that retreat, I dove back into life, but continued to apply the precepts and techniques I learned during those three days of wrestling with my … Read more

Thank You, Adult Ballerina Project!

What I’m enjoying most about stepping out into the blogosphere, is discovering all the wonderful people out there who are creating blogs and sites and inviting readers into their worlds, their experiences. Ballet is one of those things that your average neighbor isn’t going to strike up a conversation about, or know how to reply … Read more

“Adult Ballet’s Dark Side”

The article I just now read is titled “Confessions of an Anonymous Ballet Teacher: Adult Ballet’s Dark Side,” and it’s hilarious and entertaining. I have taken many a ballet class through the years. I briefly taught adult ballet classes, back in the day. I am currently an adult ballet student who, in the studio, is … Read more